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The April 18, 2007
PinFeed Almanack
QWERTY Glossary

Subscribers to the Almanack have not thus far had a centralised repository for the special jargon of their milieu. High time, we say. Every purposeful
enterprise develops an argot of acronyms and specialized usages to make communication more concise and precise, and to differentiate its members from the uninitiated.
Therefore, The Almanack is announcing its Glossipedia project - no, wait, make that the Wikiglossary project. Contributions are more than welcome, in fact
we're not soliciting, we're begging for them. Try the comment box below; if it's broken, send me an email.
In keeping with the Almanack's overarching themes of superannuated survivors, the glossary has a custom sort-order, hence its formal appellation:
The QWERTY Glossary We'll jump-start it with a few entries:
Q: question - n., an attempt to acquire truth.
W: wisdom - n., a specific application of truth.
E: education - n., a process of acquiring items of truth with the goal of
assembling them into wisdom. R:
reason - n., an abstraction of a functional human operating system, which exists to assemble truth into wisdom via education.
religion - n., a collection of factoids once classified as truth. T:
truth - n., a specific boolean or numeric datum, the value of which is determined by the most accurate available modeling of the known universe.
time - n., an abstraction of a dimension of the universe that monopolizes the power to alter truth.
Y: you - n., a seeker of truth?
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