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The June 2, 2007
PinFeed Almanack
The Seven Ages of Grass-Mowing

Child: Wish I could mow (but I'm too little)
Adolescent: Don't want to mow (but I'll be grounded if I don't) Youth: Need to mow (if I want gas money)
Adult: Want to mow (so MY lawn will look good)
Midlife: Don't have to mow (my time is worth more than the service) Senior: Like to mow (if you want it done right . . .)
Elder: Wish I could mow (but my knees won't take it)
(apologies to Mr Shakespeare) ================================================================================
rzwergel@optonline.com: I don't believe mowing has an "age". I mow because it is one of the most rewarding and spiritual tasks I can think of (and I dread the day when I will
mow no more). You know where you're going and you can see where you've been! what could be better or more sure in our physical life?...and, as good as the "lawn" may look when you're finished, it will grow in a few days and beg
you to have that wonderful experience all over again. Even when your lawn is dried out and full of weeds, you can still improve its appearance and gain some psychic income by simply laying down some straight lines. Mowing....what a
blessing God has bestowed on us suburbanites! (Now....doing it without a power mower.....that's just crazy!!!)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- roosadane@aol.com: you aren't an elder!
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