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The November 4, 2008
PinFeed Almanack
Welcome to the new millenium.

The Almanack takes a superficial view of history: For the first time since the adoption of the alphabet, the political leader of the culture of the alphabet
will not be a European. He will be a tall, skinny guy from Illinois, who uses the alphabet as well as another tall, skinny guy from Illinois. (Thanks, CNN.)
Ancestry will never be irrelevant, but suddenly, it means something very different than it has in the past. Having parents from different continents
no longer disqualifies. This is a change of social attitude large enough to finally, and hopefully,
turn the last miserable page of the twentieth century. Congratulations, president-elect Barack Obama.
================================================================================ jackgold42@yahoo.com:
I agree with you that this is finally turning the page. Not a small step, but I giant leap for the US. Lets hope that he can find the people to solve our issues and get us back in the direction of being a world leader.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- np_thomas51@yahoo.com:
I looks like he will be leading us while the US becomes "just another country". For that we have the architects of free market capitalism and the past several administrations. It is unfortunate, as I believe that, given some amount of
movement from centerist right to centerist left that President Obama could have been a quality leader, an example of what the US can produce (elect) when our backs are to the wall. Never the less, an example we can be if our new leader
decides to lead by example. Shuttering Guantanamo, leaving Iraq and Afghanistan alone, letting the bad bankers and auto makers fall on their swords, redirecting the 700 billion toward retooling for alternative energy and a new
grid to handle it, and most important of all - telling the world that the US no longer wants to posess weapons of mass destruction and therefore we are starting the dismantling of all of them right now.
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