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The March 3, 2009
PinFeed Almanack
A Change of Focus

The Almanack has always (since 2005) been a virtual junk drawer of family pics, links to friends and strangers, quirky utility software, heartfelt essays and silly rants. Its conceit is that behind the hand-built, minimalist
idiosyncracy, there is an idea worth exploring: that natural selection applies to engineered products just as to biology; moreover, 'good enough' often thrives when 'superior' fails. (Google: qwerty, pinfeed, alphabet, automobile, city
planning.) Well, that was the intention, more honored in the breach, etc. Preoccupied, The
Almanack missed a splendid opportunity for evolutionary bloggoreation on the Feb 12 just past.
Now The Almanack itself is about to evolve, and take on a new role: virtual business card; perhaps it can help contribute to MY survival. The front page will need some overhauling, with more emphasis on links to actual packages of
software. The newest of these packages is KeycAES - if you use FireFox and are at all concerned about the security of your passwords, check it out. The others have been posted on Sourceforge for some while, and you can overflow a 3-bit
counter with the number of downloads they've recorded. Registering KeycAES with Mozilla provided some incentive for the face-lift - a
strongly encouraged optional entry is 'Support Web-Page'. And in fact a 'wall' or comment window seems a good place to take feedback and offer instruction or remediation for KeycAES, et.al.
What the new page will look like, and how long it will take to develop is undetermined, but evolution is a ruthless process. Blame it on Darwin.
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