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The July 6, 2016
PinFeed Almanack
Jupiter enters orbit of Juno

Headline from the Gizmag section of The Onion: NASA measurements reveal Jupiter orbiting Juno; confirmed by Earth-bound observations of Bill caught in
Hillary's gravity. Le droit du seigneur is no doubt much older than humanity's ability to record
or report it. The very oldest Western mythologies share the common theme of the king of the gods being a prodigious philanderer, not even stinting at predation or outright rape. (See: Odin, Zeus, Jupiter; I don't know much
about Eastern mythologies, but I imagine they touch on the subject.) And of course there's the Mother of All Philanders, old Holy Spirit himself
picking out a choice piece and doing his business on her. We've been living with the political fallout of that affair for two millenia.
So I enjoyed the Reddit story about the moons of Jupiter and a 400-year-old joke. https://m.reddit.com/r/space/comments/4rajtk/when_galileo_discovered_jupiter_had_moons_each/
To recap: Galileo being employed by the richest and surliest family in Italy, when he discovered Jupiter's moons with his new telescope, named them Medici
One, Two, Three, and Four. Almost immediately, contemporary scientists began the tradition of naming the moons for Jupiter's conquests, hence Ganymede, Callisto, Io, and Europa.
Jupiter's jealous wife Juno would scour the heavens and blow away the clouds Jupiter used to hide his dalliances, so NASA named the space-bot Juno in her
honor, providing the punch-line for the longest-lasting geek joke in history. The timing of Juno's arrival and Bill's latest indiscretion (albeit
non-sexual) is just too tasty. ================================================================================
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