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The July 10, 2016
PinFeed Almanack
Days of Miracle and Wonder

The Almanack knows only what it reads in the Times, and these times are so astonishing I can't wait to open the morning paper. But it carries as much dread as delight (like the Mets in contention and riddled with injuries).
Thirty years after 'the days of miracle and wonder', lasers in the jungle are the least of the dystopia Paul Simon rhymed about. The Almanack desperately
regrets that Mr Simon was not available to rap for us, so we did our own: We have drones and clones
and magical phones, we have geeks going to mars, and self-driving cars.
Broadway is post racial, and the Rockies post glacial. Climate change is a fraud,
but folks are drowning in mud. California gets roasted while our buns all get toasted.
Very bad policy created inequality, so rumpled old dudes are acting quite crude,
and the rhetoric is rude coming out of their mouth.
The Olympics went South; Rio is stinko not just cause of ziko;
Middle East is in crisis not just cause of Isis. The Brits did a brexit
and now they regrets it. Twin Cities to Big Easy, the bullets make us queasy.
We have road rage and roid rage and lgbt rage, age rage and wage rage
and take-back-our-country-rage. Someone please turn the page.
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