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The December 10, 2017
PinFeed Almanack

The qwertyness of gender itself is in question. The question is confusing, our reasoning tentative, and our phrasing elliptical, but follow along, if you like.
Apparently, there are cultural forces interacting in ways that nobody really understands. We (as a culture, not necessarily as individuals) think we know
what a liberal is, and the meaning of liberal values. Likewise, we think we know what a conservative is. Generally, enlightened conversation can discover not just common ground, but very broad agreement on what society should value,
and what it means to be a 'good' person. So it seems unlikely that liberals intend androgyny to dominate popular culture,
or that traditionalists intend misogyny to dominate their daughters. Nor do libertarians intend that nihilism should dominate order.
And yet, those things are happening, as a result of a disembodied 'they' wishing those things would happen, randomly infuriating one faction and attributing blame to another, by turns. The infuriated then take up faggots or ballots to
express themselves. For the most part, taking an extreme position on a question of cultural values
is a way of saying, 'A pox on both your houses!' Now we have the pox, on all our houses.
A pox on sexual predators, for sure. #MeToo has seen to that, and high time, although it will be comeuppance for a tiny minority of offenders. Lately, there has been some thoughtful commentary, not only that too few are being held to
account, but also that at least a few are being lynched as proxies for the uncaught. So it goes.
Joseph Campbell's advice to a pilgrim needing direction: 'Lean toward the light.' You can't know enough to always make the right, or best, decision. But you can try, and lean toward the light.
Many of us of the "male persuasion" (that used to be a throwaway joke, not so much anymore) would choose the light, but we cannot truly participate in the
#MeToo movement. Pink pussy hats just will not scour; we can't know fear we #have never felt.
And it does no good to wring our hands and wonder if we shouldn't have cuddled with that co-ed on 'Rush Night'. If you're guilty, take a page from AA and try to atone.
But we owe it to our sisters to make a statement, that we agree with them not just in principle, but in the particulars. That we understand we have been
complicit, we have benefitted from injustice, and we won't let it continue. Every man will have to make his own more-or-less painful choices: how to dress;
what jokes to swallow; what praise or blame or compliment to give; who to hug, or not. Even who to promote, or what raise to forego. But the commitment for all of us has to be:
#iRenounce my male privilege.
================================================================================ : I renounce all privilege, male, white,
human, Amerikan, not or maybe on the spectrum, over 60, under 100,..... I renounce them all while I accept
guilt of benefit from most. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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