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The April 9, 2020
PinFeed Almanack

We're in a 'self-induced coma', according to the pundits. But it's not really a coma, we're not unconcious. More like Zac's 'Toes in the Water, Ass in the Sand'. A small heroic cadre is essential, meaning they're keeping us all
alive. Maybe half of us log into the same old job without putting pants on. The rest of us are just loafing, willingly or not.
We can still talk to each other, argue about stuff, make decisions. So what do we want to happen when this is over? For sure, find a way to thank the 'essentials'; without them, we wouldn't survive this. But the chances are very
good that we'll just go back to ignoring them. Maybe a world-wide catastrophe gives us enough reason, or leisure, or cover, to
reconsider some things that may not have been perfect as of yesterday. A lot of topics come to mind, but we have time. Let's just pick one and mull it over.
Can we decide that elections are not ball games? Humans love games, and we love picking sides and rooting for our team. We admire
the team that plays the game best, especially if the winner wasn't the biggest or strongest, but the most skillful. The Yankees are hated because they usually have the money to be the biggest and the strongest, and they win a lot. Most of
us like to see a scrappy, well-managed Cardinals or Dodgers team with half the payroll plaster the Yanks in the Series.
When the game is politics, that translates to rewarding the party that campaigns the best, gets away with the most deception and diversion, and corrals the most votes by whatever means, even if they don't have the best policies or the most
qualified candidate. At the end of a football game, the coaches shake hands, the players get
bandaged, and the fans go for a beer. It's over. At the end of a presidential campaign, the best campaigner has to start
governing the country, regardless of qualifications. ================================================================================
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