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The February 13, 2021
PinFeed Almanack
Sickly Metaphor

A headline in the New York Times: 'How the Coronavirus Turns the Body Against Itself'. It seems the virus not only enslaves our cells to produce itself, it occasionally weaponizes our defenses to attack the remaining
healthy cells. The Speaker of the House speaks of the 'enemy within', with good reason:
Qanon has been elected to Congress. The Minority Leader 'seeks thaw with Trump', who fomented a riot.
How like a malignant virus is a political element that seeks not competition through debate, but violent destruction of countrymen who disagree with them.
This political virus extends to every corner of the country, from arguments in homes and bars and public spaces, to the halls of government, where
legislators pack heat expecting to find a reason to plug the opposition. There is no remedy so far, just the proning therapy of mustering the National
Guard and fencing the people out of the People's House. The only vaccine on offer is impeachment. But like a toxic autoimmune response, or a bleach injection, it will likely fail to effect a cure, but will no doubt be abused
in the near future to attack what remains of the healthy host. The virus itself has promised as much.
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